All of our Expert Witness Physiotherapists are members of the Medico-Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists and are treating practitioners as well as Medico-Legal Experts. This means that the reports produced are up to date with current treatment techniques, evidence based and the equipment recommended is up to date. All reports are Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Part 35 and Practice Direction 35 compliant.
CVs of experts in the required field can be provided on request.
Our experts provide joint, claimant and defence instructed Medico-Legal reports that can advise regarding:
- previous, present and future functional ability
- potential for improvement with appropriate rehabilitation
- present and future therapy needs
- amount of on-going physiotherapy input required
- cost of ongoing physiotherapy input
- equipment required to allow the claimant to maximise their potential
- capital and annual costs of specialist therapy equipment
- suitability of accommodation

How much does a report cost?
The costs of medico-legal reports vary depending on the complexity of the case and report and the location of the client. A written quotation for an assessment and full report will be provided if required. This quotation will be broken down into an hourly rate for document review, travel, accommodation (if required) and report writing. The hourly rate is also applicable for the answering of questions, further reports, expert meetings and court attendance.
How to instruct Manchester Physio
Manchester Physio require written or emailed instruction. Instruction must be in line with Practice Direction Part 35. If possible, the following information should be supplied with the instruction:
- the capacity of appointment
- the services required of the expert
- purpose of the report
- issues to be addressed
- timescale for delivery
- expert reports (present and updated in the future)
- relevant GP and hospital records
- witness statements
- relevant court orders
- particulars of claim and defence
- schedule of loss
- party / parties responsible for the payment of fees
- other background information
How long will the Medico-Legal physiotherapy report take?
An assessment is normally arranged for within two weeks of instruction.
Initial reports are provided within four weeks of the initial assessment.
To instruct Manchester Physio on behalf of your client, or t o find out more about our services please call 0161 883 0077 or email: