Manchester Podiatry provide expert podiatry care in a number of locations, our Manchester branches are based in Sale and Manchester Central - see clinic locations.
Podiatrists are trained healthcare professionals whose expertise is the area of lower limb and foot, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. All our podiatrists are registered with the health and care professions council (HCPC) and Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCPOD).

Podiatry can be separated into two main categories, general podiatry, and biomechanical podiatry. General podiatry or chiropody involves the assessment and treatment of skin and nail conditions, treatment depends upon the presenting problem and podiatrists use a wide variety of therapies to resolve the condition. Common treatment modalities include debridement (removal of dead/diseased tissue) with sharps or drills. When visiting a podiatrist, expect to be given a thorough treatment plan tailored to individual requirements following a thorough assessment of your feet and footwear. The most common presenting general podiatric complaints are:

Biomechanical podiatry concentrates more on the inside of the body, the musculoskeletal system - this is conditions associated with muscles, bones, tendons ligaments and soft tissue. During a biomechanical assessment the podiatrist will look at the whole body in relation to the presenting condition - the foot is part of a kinetic chain, meaning abnormalities in its function or structure can have an impact on the body further up; knees, hip, back and shoulders. The podiatrist will examine these areas whilst seated, lying down, standing, and walking/running, during this they will be noting abnormalities during gait, the function, structure, and muscles strength and length. Following the assessment the podiatrist will report back all findings and implement a treatment plan, this may involve prescription of bespoke insoles, a personal exercise programme, footwear advice and reavuluation of activity. Common biomechanical complaints include:
- Plantar fasciitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- Shin splints
- Knee pain
- Lower back pain
- Mortons neuroma
- Bunions