Swedish massage is a therapeutic massage, which can be, performed gentle or vigorous depending on personal preference.
Swedish massage uses various massage techniques and strokes. Gentle movements of Swedish massage warm up the muscle, increasing the blood circulation and releasing tension. Swedish massage is used to promote relaxation alongside other health benefits. Health benefits of Swedish massage include, improving blood circulation which delivers nutrients to the cells, stimulation of the lymphatic system, prevents and relieves muscle injury and reduces pain. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio can use Swedish massage as an effective treatment for a range of conditions.
What is Swedish massage?
Swedish massage is an effective massage treatment to promote relaxation and improving, reducing tension, breaking down adhesions and encouraging lymphatic drainage. Swedish massage has many important health benefits. Swedish massage can help maintain physical, mental and emotional well-being. When Swedish massage is performed on the skin it stimulates the nervous system and promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being.
Swedish massage increases tension build up in the muscle. Tension build up can be the result of muscular injury or underlying emotional stress. Swedish massage relaxes the muscles and reduces anxiety related to tension. Swedish massage also enhances blood circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrients to the muscles cells, promoting healing.
What is a Swedish massage used for?
Swedish massage can be used to treat a range of conditions. These include:
- Promoting relaxation and well being
- Reducing tension
- Breaking down adhesions
- Encouraging lymphatic drainage

Swedish massage helps promote a sense of relaxation and well-being, improving mental and emotional state. Massage can be used to relax the body by increasing temperature and releasing hormones in the body.
Swedish massage can also be used to reduce muscular tension. Swedish massage is performed on the skin, stimulating the blood flow and temperature of the muscles. Increased temperature allows the muscle fibres to move more freely and tension to be released.
Swedish massage is used to break down adhesions formed in soft tissues. Adhesions can be formed in muscle and connective tissues due to injury, overuse or post-surgery. Swedish massage can use a range of techniques to break down adhesions and restore muscle flexibility.
Swedish massage also stimulates the lymphatic system to drain away waste products from the body. Swedish massage uses effleurage strokes to stimulate the flow of lymph drainage. Removing waste products from the body promote healthier muscles and prevent tightness from occurring.

When is Swedish massage used?
Swedish massage is an effective treatment used: Swedish massage can be useful to integrate into a training programme as it helps to maintain healthy muscles and keeps the body relaxed through an intense training programme. Swedish massage aims to relax the body physically and mentally. Swedish massage can relax the mental state improving mood and a sense of well-being.
Swedish massage can be an effective type of massage to be used post workout. Massage can help recover soft tissues from intense exercise. Swedish massage can use specific massage techniques to flush out waste products built up from exercise such as lactic acid. Swedish massage can also reduce tension in the muscles by increasing temperature and stretching out muscle fibres.
Swedish massage can be beneficial to people before exercise or pre a sporting event. Swedish massage can help the feeling of relaxation, calms nerves and reduces anxiety. Swedish massage can also be beneficial to reducing tightness, and increasing flexibility to help maximise performance.
Swedish massage is an effective treatment after injury. Swedish massage works to sooth sore muscle and relieves pain. Swedish massage also stimulates the body's self-healing process assisting the healing of an injury. Swedish massage increases the blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to help the removal of toxins in the body. Lymphatic drainage is beneficial to improving your immunity and prevention of illnesses.
Swedish massage can be used to relieve tight muscles. Tight muscles can reduce blood flow and effect range of movement. Massage can be used to relieve tight muscles by increasing temperature of soft tissues, increasing blood circulation and flushing out waste products.
What are the benefits of Swedish massage?
Swedish massage has many benefits. The benefits of Swedish massage include:
- Decreased tension
- Reduced pain
- Breaking down adhesions
- Increased lymphatic drainage
One benefit of Swedish massage is that is can be used to reduce pain. Pain can occur for a number of reasons. Massage is an effective treatment to help relieve symptoms of pain by interfering with pain signals to the brain, releasing endorphins and producing deep relaxation.
Swedish massage can also be a benefit to break down adhesions. Adhesions are formed as part of the body's healing process and help limit spread of infections. Adhesions can cause pain and restricted movement. Swedish massage works to break down adhesions and allowing muscles fibres to realign in their correct form.
Swedish massage is beneficial to stimulating the flow of lymphatic drainage in the body. Lymphatic drainage carries waste products out of the body, fighting infection and improving the immune system. Stimulating lymphatic drainage in the body can provide healthier muscles and prevention of injuries occurring.
How does Swedish massage help?
Swedish massage is used to improve the body's physical and mental state in many ways. Swedish massage helps by increasing blood circulation, removing waste products and decrease stress.
Swedish massage helps by increasing blood circulation to the soft tissues. Friction against the skin stimulates an increase of blood to an area. Increase of blood can increase temperature and deliver valuable oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissues. An increase of temperature promotes muscle relaxation, deceasing tension and tightness.
Swedish massage can help remove waste products and toxins out of the body. A specific Swedish massage technique, effleurage, is used to increase the flow of the lymphatic system. Effleurage strokes are performed in a direction towards the heart. The lymphatic system works to drain out the body's waste products, flushing out infection and preventing illness.
Swedish massage aims to provide a therapeutic effect and decrease stress levels as well as treating muscular damage. Swedish massage helps to increase the blood circulation and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Swedish massage increases the flow of blood to the muscles and assists the body to relax. Swedish massage also stimulates the release of feel good hormones from the brain. Hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine's are produced in the body. The effect of these hormones decrease feelings of stress and

Swedish massage is a therapeutic massage used to promote a range of health benefits. Swedish massage calms the nervous system promoting a sense of well-being, releasing tension and anxiety. Swedish massage increases the blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells. The increase of blood circulation to an affected area promotes the body's self-healing process and aid muscle recovery. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio can use Swedish massage as an effective treatment for a range of conditions.
How can I arrange an appointment for Swedish massage?
To arrange a Swedish massage at Manchester Physio, email us at office@manchesterphysio.co.uk or call 0161 883 0077.