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What is joint pain?

Many children experience joint pain at some time in their childhood which may be due to a number of different factors. Common causes of joint pain include:
  • Trauma as a result of acute injury e.g. muscle strain
  • Overuse injury
  • Pain due to hypermobility or laxity of joints
  • Pain secondary to poor posture
Less commonly joint pain may be an indicator of infection or inflammatory conditions such as juvenile arthritis or even an indicator of serious illness such as neoplasm. It is therefore important that the symptoms of joint pain are investigated especially if there is no obvious cause to the parent or child.

Joint pain in children may occurr due to a number of reasons, please get in contact if your child is experiencing ongoing joint pain.Above: Joint pain in children may occurr due to a number of reasons, please get in contact if your child is experiencing ongoing joint pain.

How can physiotherapy help joint pain?

Our team of specialist paediatric physiotherapists can provide a thorough assessment of a child's symptoms in order to establish the potential reason or cause of the pain. In cases where the cause is musculoskeletal in origin treatment will aim to address the underlying cause of the joint pain such as weak or tight muscles or poor posture. The physiotherapist may provide advice on pain management techniques, provide exercises to strengthen muscles and give advice on injury prevention. If the cause of the pain is not identifiable or appears to be systemic in nature (e.g. several joints affected) the physiotherapist may recommend referral back to a doctor in order to confirm a diagnosis or rule out serious illness before offering treatment.

Why Manchester Physio?

  • Specialist, knowledgeable physiotherapists
  • One to one assessment and treatment
  • Dedicated, patient centred approach to management
  • Access treatment quickly
  • Motivated, caring staff
  • Proven track record
We understand that joint pain can be uncomfortable for your child. Our team of specialist paediatric physiotherapists can provide assessment to establish the most likely cause of the pain and provide effective treatment to resolve the problem.

Manchester Physio can provide treatment of children experiencing joint pain across Greater Manchester and Cheshire. We can provide assessment and treatment at our clinics in Sale, Manchester city centre or Macclesfield. We are also able to offer home visits for your convenience.

See our testimonials to read about the experiences of current and past patients.

To find out more please contact us or arrange a free phone consultation.

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Mon - Fri: 7am - 9pm
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