What is talipes?
Talipes (also known as congenital talipes equinovarus or clubfoot) is a condition affecting one or both feet in babies causing the foot to turn inwards. Talipes may be positional or structural. In positional talipes the size of the foot is normal and the foot can easily be manipulated to the correct position. It is thought to develop as a result of abnormal pressures on the foot whilst it is developing in the womb. Structural talipes is more complex as the foot itself and the calf muscles are shorter and the position is fixed. In these cases surgery may be required to correct the deformity.

How can physiotherapy help talipes?
Early treatment is recommended in the management of talipes; if left untreated the altered foot position may impact on a child's ability to stand and walk. Our specialist paediatric physiotherapists can provide effective treatment for talipes which may include:
- Teaching parents appropriate stretches and positioning of baby's feet
- Monitoring baby's progress and anticipating potential problems
- Referral for specialist casting and splinting if necessary
- Addressing problems which may arise later in more severe cases e.g. balance or gait problems

Why Manchester Physio?
- No waiting lists, treatment available quickly
- One on one treatment for your baby
- Dedicated, patient centred approach
- Specialist physiotherapists
- Access to specialist splints and orthotist if appropriate
- Motivated, caring staff
- Proven track record
Manchester Physio can provide treatment for children with talipes across Greater Manchester and Cheshire. We can provide assessment and treatment at our clinic or at your home for your convenience.
See our testimonials to read about the experiences of current and past patients.
To find out more please contact us or arrange a free phone consultation.