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Pilates is a body conditoning programme focusing on core strengthening exercises to re-train your postural muscles. Once you have re-trained your central core, exercises can be progressed to challenge the deep core muscles and improve your strength, flexibility and co-ordination.

The History of Pilates

Pilates was developed in the 20th century by Joseph Pilates based on Eastern methods and exercises such as Zen and Yoga. Pilates incorporates breathing and core strength exercises but is more dynamic than Yoga. Pilates has a greater focus on precise movements, targeting specific areas to strengthen both postural and core muscles of the trunk and spine. Exercises can be progressed by adding resistance and moving the arms and legs while maintaining a strong core position and spinal alignment.

Pilates was initially adopted by professional dancers in the US to treat injuries and has since grown rapidly in popularity due to its wide range of positive effects for all individuals, regardless of fitness level or age.

Pilates is a type of exercise that targers your core and pelic floor to add strength and stability and support your posture.Above: Pilates is a type of exercise that targers your core and pelic floor to add strength and stability and support your posture.

Who is Pilates suitable for?

Pilates is suitable for almost all of the population, including specific groups with specific goals. People of any age, shape or gender can take part and participate in Pilates at a level to suit to them.

Pilates is commonly used to aid:
  • General Fitness and Sporting Performance
  • Musculoskeletal and Health Problems
  • Pregnancy
  • Overall Wellbeing

Benefits of Pilates

Pilates has a number of different benefits on the whole body and it is unique because it has great emphasis on breathing and movement control.

Some of the benefits gained from Manchester Physio Pilates classes are:
  • Improved posture and spinal alignment
  • Enhanced muscle tone and flexibility
  • Restoration and improvement of balance and co-ordination
  • Facilitation of lung function, breathing control and circulation
  • Alleviation of global aches and pains
  • Maximised overall wellbeing

Pilates is an effective form of exercise that can help strenthen your core and support with injury prevention.Above: Pilates is an effective form of exercise that can help strenthen your core and support with injury prevention.

Manchester Physio Pilates Classes

We offer Pilates classes throughout the North West. Find out more about our Pilates class locations here. We offer free taster classes (1 per person, subject to availability).

To book call Manchester Physio e-mail or call 0161 883 0077.

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