Who are Post Natal Pilates suitable for?
Many people follow onto this class from the Pre Natal Pilates class but new starters are also welcome. Post Natal classes are suitable for those who are 6 weeks post normal delivery and 8 weeks post caesarean section.
Benefits of Post Natal Pilates
You can benefit from Pilates in numerous ways following labour. Our physiotherapists can help you tone back into shape as quickly as possible.

The main benefits for post natal women include:
- Recovering your pre-baby body
- Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor
- Improved alignment of the spine and correction in postural change
- Correcting the movement of the pelvis, helping to prevent lower back pain
- Increased feelings of rejuvenation and overall well-being
There are a number of precautions to think about before starting a Post Natal Pilates class. Please check with your midwife or GP before attending the class.
Do not attend if you have any of the following symptoms:

Manchester Physio Post Natal Class
Our Post Natal Pilates classes are held in our fully equipped gym on St John Street, central Manchester. We ensure small class sizes to give you individual attention throughout the class.
Please wear comfortable clothing. You do not need to bring any equipment with you.
A block of 4 classes costs only £60 and one to one sessions are also available in the clinic or in your home.
For class times and to book call Manchester Physio on 0161 883 0077 or e-mail us - office@manchesterphysio.co.uk