Acupressure is used as an effective treatment for a range of conditions. Acupressure is pressure applied to acupuncture points or a trigger point.
Acupressure points are known as effective points on the body which stimulate the meridian system. The meridian system is thought to flow energy through the body promoting health. A trigger point is a neuromuscular point in the body. A neuromuscular point is a meeting place of a nerve and muscle and is often painful when compressed. Acupressure is used on both acupressure and trigger points to stimulate the body's natural healing process, relieve muscle tightness and decrease pain. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio can use acupressure as an effective treatment for a range of conditions.

What is acupressure?
Acupressure is massage technique which is to acupressure and trigger points. Acupressure points use the same pressure points and meridians as acupuncture. Acupuncture employs needles in the body whilst acupressure uses firm finger pressure. Acupressure points are located all over the body along meridians. Meridians make up a system of energy which flows through the body. When acupressure points are used, they promote the blood circulation and stimulate the body's healing process. Acupressure can also be applied to trigger points. Trigger points are accumulations of waste product around a nerve receptor which are painful when compressed. Acupressure is used on trigger points to also stimulate the body's healing process, decrease pain and relieve tightness.
What is acupressure used for?
Acupressure is a massage technique used to treat a range of conditions. Acupressure can be used to:
- Stimulate the healing process
- Relieve muscle tension
- Relieve headaches
- Decrease pain
Acupressure helps by stimulating the healing process. Acupressure is used on both acupressure and trigger points. Stimulating specific points on the body affects the meridian system by increasing the energy flow and increasing blood circulation.

Acupressure helps to relieve muscle tension. Increased temperature of the soft tissues causes the muscles to relax. Tightness is relieved as blood flow increases in the muscles.
Acupressure also can be used to relieve headaches. Acupressure and trigger points can be located behind the head. When pressure is applied to these points it can relieve stiffness to the neck which can be the cause of headaches.
Acupressure helps to decrease pain. Appling pressure to key points around the body can also release endorphins (chemical produced by the body to relieve pain). When endorphins are released, pain decreases, and the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area increases.
What are the benefits of acupressure?
Acupressure has many benefits. The benefits of acupressure include: Acupressure can be beneficial to treat a range of conditions. The benefits of acupressure include decreased pain, decreased tension and improved recovery.
Acupressure performed on specific points of the body can be beneficial to decrease pain. Acupressure is applied to both acupressure and trigger points around the body. Accupressure slowly decreases pain through the pressure which is applied. Maximum contraction is applied followed by maximal relaxation decreasing the pain threshold. The high pressure on a specific area reduces blood flow and restricts oxygen to the cells causing cellular death. A release of this pressure inhibits an inflammatory response and generating a new resurgence of blood so that cells can be repaired.
Acupressure is also beneficial to releasing tension. The pressure applied acts as an autogenetic inhibition. Autogenic inhibition is the reflex inhibition of a motor response to excessive tension in the muscle fibres it supplies. When maximum contraction is applied it is followed by maximal relaxation. Acupressure releases the tension in the muscle and allows an increase in range of movement and motion around the joints.
Acupressure can help improve recovery. When acupressure is performed the pressure on key points of the body increases the blood and oxygen flow to the area. An increase of blood increases the size and number of blood cell. This effect is vasodilation and capiliarisation. The increase in blood flow aids the healing process and increases recovery. Acupressure also decrease pain and relieves tension allowing more flexibility and an increase in range of movement to the area.
How does acupressure help?
Acupressure helps by increasing fresh blood flow, stimulating hormone release and breaking down scar tissue.
Acupressure helps by increasing fresh blood into muscles. The pressure on a specific area reduces blood flow and restricts oxygen to the cells causing cellular death. A release of this pressure inhibits an inflammatory response and generating a new resurgence of blood. The resurgence of blood delivers new oxygen and nutrients in to the muscles. Oxygen and nutrients can assist in repairing damaged cells.
Acupressure also helps by stimulating the release of hormones.During the time of applied pressure, endorphins are released. Feel good hormones such as, endorphins are released from the brain improving mood and increasing a sense of well-being. The release of hormones can help reduce depression, stress and anxiety.
Acupressure helps by breaking down scar tissue. Acupressure can help post injury where scar tissue has formed. Deep, localised pressure is applied with the acupressure technique to break down fibrous tissues. Acupressure combine with other specific massage techniques can help realign muscle tissues back into their normal form.

Acupressure is applied to acupressure points and trigger points around the body. Acupressure can be used post injury to relieve chronic pain, relieve muscle tightness and aid the body's natural healing process. Pressure stimulates areas of the body where endorphins are released, pain decreases and blood and oxygen flow increases to the affected area. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio can use acupressure as an effective treatment for a range of conditions.
How can I arrange an appointment for acupressure?
To arrange an acupressure treatment at Manchester Physio, e-mail us at or call 0161 883 0077.