Massage can be an essential part of an athlete's training and competition routine. Massage helps athletes to train more effectively, recovery quickly, prevent injury and improve performance.
Regular massage can be used to maintain optimum muscle elastic and strength to avoid injury and allow an athlete achieve peak performance. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio provide a wide range of massage therapy services to maximise performance.
When can massage be used to maximise performance?
Massage to maximise performance can be used: Massage can be used on many occasions to maximise performance. Massage can be used to maximise performance pre event, as part of a training programme, post injury, for chronic pain and for tight muscles.

Massage can be an effective treatment pre event. Massage prior to training and competition is an essential part of an athlete's preparation. Massage before exercise increases blood circulation to the muscles, allowing waste products to be flushed and more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered. Blood increase produces a state of readiness for exertion in the muscles and tissues. Massage is also used to reduce tension, relax the muscles and prevent tightness from occurring. The beneficial effect of muscles relaxing before performance is the increase in joint mobility. Muscles are relaxed to allow joints to move in full range of motion, which is important to athletes who need flexibility to perform.
Massage can be an effective and beneficial treatment performed as part of a training programme. Massage can help the recovery process, prevention of injuries and maintain relaxation leading up to an event. Through intense training the body could suffer from pain and fatigue. Massage enables training can be continued and prepare a person for a sporting performance.
Massage can also help to maximise performance after an injury occurs. Massage can help improve the recovery time and the return back to training. An increase of training time can help maximise performance.
Massage can help to maximise performance for people suffering from chronic pain. Massage can help reduce chronic pain by breaking down the pain cycle and releasing endorphins in the body. Performance will be increased when pain is decreased.
Massage can also help maximise performance by decreasing tight muscles. Massage helps reduce tight muscles by increasing temperature of soft tissues, increasing blood circulation, breaking down adhesions and decreasing tone. Massage helps treat muscle hypertonicity in the muscles. Muscles tighten after exercise, after repetitive motion or long periods of inactivity. Decreased muscle tightness can allow muscles to increase in flexibility and performance to their best.

How does massage help maximise performance?
Massage can help to maximise performance in many ways. Massage helps to maximise performance by increasing blood circulation, removing waste products and increasing flexibility.
Massage can be used to maximise performance by increasing blood circulation into the muscles and soft tissues. Massage work to maximise performance by preparing an athlete's body for an event. An increase of blood circulation through the body increases temperature of muscles and prepare them for exercise. Massage helps to stimulate fresh blood into the muscles, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells. Continuous exercise can damaged muscle fibres and cause inflammation. Massage can repair and heal damaged fibres which increase recovery. An increased recovery and a return to training can increase performance.
Massage can be used to maximise performance by removing waste products from the body. Massage helps to maintain healthy muscles by flushing out regular waste products that can get built up in the muscle from exercise. Flushing out waste products allows muscles to be in a better condition and allow increased performance.
Massage also works to maintain flexibility and movement through training. Massage aims to relax stressed muscles and stimulate blood flow. Pre event massage to maximise performance is also undertaken before potential stressful competition or performance. Massage can play an important role in an athlete's training and preparation for a competition or sports event. The aim of pre event massage is to increase blood circulation, flexibility and mentally prepare an athlete to contribute to a better performance.

What are the benefits of receiving a massage to maximise performance?
Massage to maximise performance has many benefits. The benefits of massage to maximise performance include: Massage has many benefits to help maximise performance. The benefits of massage to help maximise performance are muscle relaxation, reduced tension, increased range of movement and decreased pain.
One benefit of receiving a massage to maximise performance is muscle relaxation. Massage increases temperature of the soft tissues and promotes the muscles to relax. Relaxed muscles increase in flexibility and range of movement. Performance is maximised when muscles can move to their full range of movement.
Massage can also help by reducing tension in the muscles. Muscles may feel stiff after exercise, with repetitive motion or long periods of inactivity. Tension can build up in the muscles, reducing blood flow and resulting in tightness. Massage works directly on the areas of tightness, restoring blood flow and loosening knots and congestion.
Massage helps increase range of movement and helps maximise performance. Massage helps to increase range of movement by increasing blood circulation and increasing tissue elasticity. Increased range of movement is beneficial to maximising performance. When muscles and joints reach end of movement, sporting performance will be improved.
Massage also helps to decrease pain. Reduced pain can increase performance. Massage helps to reduce pain by interrupting pain signals and increasing hormones.

Massage is an effective and beneficial treatment in order to maximise performance. Massage aims to maintain healthy muscles throughout an exercise programme for athletes to achieve peak performance. Massage is also beneficial performed pre events to enhance performance. Massage stimulates the blood flow, improves flexibility and prepares an athlete mentally for activity. Massage therapists at Manchester Physio provide a wide range of massage therapy services to maximise performance.
How can I arrange a massage to maximise performance?
To arrange a massage for maximised performance at Manchester Physio, email us at or call 0161 883 0077.