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What is brain injury?

Brain injury is a general term used to describe damage to the brain which may be caused by of a number of factors. It may be caused by hereditary, congenital, or degenerative conditions. Injury to the brain is often acquired after birth through infection, accident or trauma, in which case it may be referred to as acquired brain injury (ABI) or traumatic brain injury (TBI). ABI is the leading cause of acquired disability in children and young adults.

Our supportive and caring paediatric physiotherapist can support your child if they have suffered from a brain injury.Above: Our supportive and caring paediatric physiotherapist can support your child if they have suffered from a brain injury.

What are the effects of brain injury?

The effects of brain injury in children vary enormously according to the type, size, severity and location of the area of damage. It may affect physical and cognitive abilities as well as speech, hearing, vision, behaviour and learning skills. Some problems will be immediately obvious whilst others do not become apparent until the child is older. Some common effects of brain injury include:
  • Physical problems including impaired movement, abnormal muscle tone, poor balance, fatigue and mobility problems
  • Cognitive problems such as poor memory, concentration, and organisational skills
  • Behavioural problems such as aggression, irritability, impulsivity and inappropriate behaviour
  • Epilepsy, headaches and depression

How can physiotherapy help after brain injury?

The effects of brain injury can result in significant disability, however as the brain is adaptable, improvements are possible with regular physiotherapy input to maximise function and independence, both immediately following the injury and longer term. The type of physiotherapy treatment will depend on the child's needs and abilities and can help to:
  • Improve functional abilities such as rolling, standing and walking
  • Retrain normal patterns of movement
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Improve muscle strength and range of movement
  • Improve posture
  • Improve positioning and alignment
  • Improve independence and confidence
  • Reduce muscle spasm, stiffness and pain
Physiotherapy treatment can be provided regardless of the severity of the injury. We can liaise with parents, carers and teachers regarding the best way to manage a child's physical needs in order to maximise their independence. We can provide advice on equipment and positioning to make caring for your child easier as well as appropriate home exercise programmes to continue therapy between physiotherapy sessions.

Why Manchester Physio?

  • Immediate treatment available to maximise potential
  • Treatment on a one to one basis
  • Patient centred approach by dedicated physiotherapists
  • Treatment provided at any stage following brain injury
  • Able to work alongside case managers and solicitors
  • Motivated, caring staff
  • Proven track record
  • Able to provide a range of treatments including hydrotherapy
We understand that the effects of brain injury can be devastating and traumatic for both the child and parents. Here at Manchester Physio we have a team of specialist paediatric physiotherapists who can provide assessment and treatment for your child in order to maximise their potential and improve quality of life following their brain injury.

Manchester Physio provides specialist treatment for brain injury across Greater Manchester and Cheshire. Assessment and treatment can be carried out at our clinics, a child's school or at your home for your convenience.

See our testimonials to read about the experiences of current and past patients.

To find out more please contact us or arrange a free phone consultation.

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