Physiotherapy for Stroke
A person following a stroke will benefit from physiotherapy treatment. Manchester Physio have experienced neurological physiotherapists, that provide specialist assessment and treatment for people following a stroke, to enable them to perform everyday tasks more independently and help them to make significant long term improvements.

Benefits of physiotherapy at Manchester Physio following a stroke include:
- Facilitating normal movement patterns
- Improving activity of the affected side
- Improving function such as rolling, sitting balance, standing and walking
- Normalising muscle tone
- Improving sensation
- Enhancing muscle strength
- Improving postural stability
- Increasing energy levels
- Reducing pain and stiffness
- Facilitating independence
- Improving quality of life
- Practicing functional activities to improve activity of the weaker side and promoting independence
- Teaching transfers (getting in and out of wheelchair, bed, car, shower/bath, on and off toilet)
- Muscle stretching to reduce high tone and prevent soft tissue contractures
- Exercises to build muscle strength and stamina and reduce fatigue
- Constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) to improve upper limb function
- Advice on walking aids, supports, splints and orthotics
- Hydrotherapy treatment to maximise strength and flexibility
- Functional electrical stimulation
For more information on physiotherapy for stroke, or to book an appointment please call 0161 883 0077.